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Azure Window | Watercolor Process | Cinematic painting process

This is one of Malta's most iconic natural structures and one of the world's most famous unique rock arch, 'It-Tieqa tad-Dwejra' (Azure Window) in Gozo. This rock formation is not only popular among the locals and tourists but also has been featured in several films and series, just to mention one Game of Thrones. Unfortunately, this month is marked as 4 years since the arch collapsed after a period of heavy storms, leaving nothing visible above the water. People are still paying tribute to the Azure Window on social media over 4 years later. This is my tribute to the natural gem. ♥️🔷

MATERIALS: Paper - Arches Coldpress 300GSM

Watercolours - Winsor & Newton

Brushes - Winsor & Newton & Panart

MUSIC: Collaboration with Keepitinside


Exploration Brothers



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